Tummy Tuck
​Abdominoplasty, commonly known as a tummy tuck, is a surgical procedure designed to flatten the abdomen by eliminating excess fat and skin while also tightening the underlying muscles. Depending on their specific placement, old lower abdominal scars like those from C-sections and stretch marks can also be addressed during the surgery. Ideal candidates for abdominoplasty typically possess good physical health but struggle with areas of persistent fat or lax skin resistant to conventional diet and exercise methods. This is particularly prevalent among women whose skin and muscles have stretched due to pregnancy. However, individuals intending to undergo significant weight loss or women planning future pregnancies are advised to postpone abdominoplasty until after achieving their weight goals or completing their family planning to optimize results.

Tummy Tuck
Abdominoplasty takes approximately one to two hours to perform; the patient is placed under general anesthesia. An incision is made across the lower abdomen close to the pubic area, and another small incision around the belly button. The abdominal muscles are tightened for a firmer abdomen and narrower waist, any excess skin and fat are removed, and the incisions are closed with invisible dissolving sutures.
After surgery, a small temporary drainage tube may be inserted for safety. Almost all patients go home the same day. Recovery times vary depending on the individual. Most patients prefer to take off one week. Abdominoplasty leaves a scar across the lower abdomen and a small scar around the belly button. Maintaining weight with a balanced diet and regular exercise provides long-lasting results. The scar is an acceptable trade-off for most patients for a flatter abdomen.
In addition to the usual risks associated with surgery and anesthesia, risks associated with abdominoplasty will be discussed during your consultation.
Mini Procedure
For those patients whose problem is limited to the lower abdomen, the mini abdominoplasty offers a smaller lower abdominal scar and no scar around the belly button. Recovery is also more rapid.