3 Things To Avoid Before Laser Hair Removal

3 Things To Avoid Before Laser Hair Removal

Kiss waxing and razors goodbye with laser hair removal. As an effective and easy way to permanently rid your body of unwanted hair, laser hair removal requires the right amount of preparation in order to ensure that you get the best results possible.

From staying out of the sun to refraining from waxing, this article will discuss three things to avoid before you get laser hair removal.


Nothing can seem quite as bad as having to sit inside on a hot sunny day. However, if you have an appointment scheduled for laser hair removal, it’s crucial that you refrain from being in the sun for at least a week leading up to your appointment. If you’ve had recent UV exposure from either the sun itself or from something like a tanning bed, your skin is more likely to become discolored after your laser treatment— leaving you with blotchy skin and an uneven skin tone.


If you’re on either a prescription strength blood thinner or if you religiously take an over-the-counter blood thinners like Ibuprofen, make sure you abstain from taking these for at least a week before your laser hair removal appointment. Be sure to consult your physician before stopping your blood thinner in order to make sure you won’t suffer from any sort of health problems or side effects.


If you can’t stand to spend a week hair free, then this might be something hard for you to avoid. However, it’s important that you refrain from waxing for at least a week or two before your laser hair removal. Because waxing essentially affects the hair follicle itself, it makes it hard for a laser to then target the hair follicle during laser hair removal.

Getting ready for laser hair removal isn’t a big job. However, by understanding things to avoid beforehand, you can get the best results possible. To learn more about laser hair removal or to schedule an appointment, contact Cosmetic Surgery of New York today!


Originally published on May 16, 2017. Updated on September 17, 2018.

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